Talan is the most beautiful girl there is. She’s usually a tall blond girl that’s shy at first then can get rly crazy and funny. She’s super nice unless you do anything she’ll kick your ass. Talan’s normally have a lot of friends and are liked by many people.
jeff: “ Hey did you see Talan today she’s fucking stunning

Harold: “Ya she’s such a cutie!”
by ypurfriendandre October 21, 2019
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he is the nicest guy ever! with his friend Aron they play minecraft all the time and have a fun time playing, he loves jordans and is very nice, very sweet
person1: hey have you seen that super nice guy
person2: he must be a Talan
by john tondon November 22, 2019
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Talan is a nice guy that's usually blonde. He's short (like really short) and will ask literally anyone he sees out. He's probably had five million relationships, but none of them last longer than a month. He is SUPER (like really) gay and won't admit to it.
"Oh I saw how you looked at him, stop being such a Talan!"
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Usually lowkey gay..... He always jokes about it and acts sus. He is a big body that loves to joke around a lot of times at his own expense. He likes to stay up late on his phone and do tik toks. He is obsessed with girls and moves from loving one to another quick as fuck. He is a good friend except he is quick to get annoyed, yet he is quick to forgive. He loves to hit the juul but just does it to get turnt. He has a very unique name obviously. He loves videogames and he rages all the time. he loves the game when he wins and hates it when he gets clapped which is often.
Talan is soooo funny and he is also kinda gay but just makes jokes about it.
by TheOGDefiner69 May 14, 2019
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Talan Lyons Is A Sexy Abbed Person Who While Take Your Girl when he wants he will kick your A$$ if u mess with his girl Plays lots of sports Musceled like the rock
by Ikr He's a bada$$ April 25, 2017
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A Dirty Talan is when your partner peals away the skin on your balls and gives you a blowjob/ handjob with it before rubbing it on their face.
Dude, Emma gave me a Dirty Talan last month. She had me in the hospital for 3 weeks, bro.
by hi_i_am_elmo November 17, 2020
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