A "saur" is an unusually derpy dinosaur fan or just a derpy dinosaur.
by DINOTICK August 4, 2022
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A term used to describe some one extremely cool who likes fall out boy and hot topic (and their names normally start with a A or K)
some one: "hey, did you see any super-saur guys at the mall?"
some one else: "nope."

some one: "hey look there goes Alexis the Super-Saur!"
some one else: "OMG I wish I was her!"
by kel z the super saur February 5, 2009
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Dino(saur) offical is a troll acount in tiktok that got 100 followers is two days
Dino(saur) offical is so handsome
by Swan173 January 6, 2021
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Random dude: you are Gud
Saure: Ja d e ej
by Saure September 22, 2021
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