Feeling tired, exhausted, trashed, stoned, or just fucked up.
1) Dude i was so roached last night.
2) That blunt got me roached.
3) Long day at work im roached.
by Subnoize stoner January 21, 2009
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Roaching, to out a Joint near the end in order to smoke later/save. -Not- to be confused with filters which are created by rolling stiff paper and inserting it into the end of the Joint.
"roaching a joint with a filter in it is stupid as it can be smoked all the way down"
by Hightimes November 7, 2005
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a person who always begs, mooches off of another person
if someone you know comes over only after you've gone grocey shopping, and chills long enough to eat all of your food. he or she is roaching.
by pinoke October 21, 2005
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The part that is left over from a blunt of a joint. It can be saved for a pipe or bong or used to make a new blunt/joint.
Kevin, that blunt is dying just save the roach.
by Wiffmoot March 26, 2004
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Irrelevant, pieces of trash, Not important, Arrogant AF and most likely calls others roaches.
by Cook June 6, 2015
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Ass End Of A Joint Or Blunt To Small To Hold On To Without Getting Burnt
Hey Man Grab The Roach Clips Im Buring My Fucking Fingers
by Toxic Klown July 11, 2008
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