this means that something or someone is fuckin ugly. It's just a shorter way of sayin it.
that boy/girl is so fugly
by anisha August 8, 2005
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Plural for fucking ugly people presented as a noun.
by Marc Aaron August 3, 2006
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person is both so ugly they are fucking ugly
see yana over there; she's fugly

by fliplove March 22, 2010
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a contraction of fucking and ugly used to describe someone who is... well, fucking ugly
Dude, that guy is so fugly. Eew!
by AliKali1996 October 24, 2011
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this word has two definitions:
1) to denote some one whom is far beyond the relms of uglyness and combine it with the word fucking with out the use of profanity in a public place fucking + ugly = fugly
2) can also be assosiated with the Lindsay Lohan film 'Mean Girls', where by two insults are combined to save the time of the one throwing them. therefor Fat + Ugly = Fugly
you know that girl over there...i hate her...she's such a fugly slut!!
by kim June 14, 2006
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Short for 'fucking ugly'
Girl 1: Man, you're so fucking ugly!

Girl 2: Why don't you just say fugly, it'll save you time.
by brewed-since-1992 April 4, 2006
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a contraction of fucking and ugly used to describe a peron who is... well, fucking ugly
Dude that guy is so fugly Eew!
by AliKali1996 October 24, 2011
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