The feeling you get when you play Jak and Daxter.
"Remember the game Jak and Daxter?"
"Yup. Gives me nostalgia from my childhood every time I play it."
by masterblasta7 May 16, 2014
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"Nostalgia," comes from nostros (a return home) and algos (a painful condition). So in nostalgia we see a return home to a painful condition. Homesickness
We're seeing a nostalgia for the Western, and for everything the Western once stood for, ...
by Surascent May 9, 2007
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A memory of joy you'll never experience again.
Nostalgia is a constant reminder that the joy in my life has already peaked.
by NODUD January 1, 2018
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The tugging feeling you get when you watch Harry's face as he receives a cake from Hagrid on his eleventh birthday.
The nostalgia felt when you have a marathon of movies you remember as a child
by luciathemagnificent August 6, 2011
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That feeling you get when you hear an old FIFA tune
FIFA 14 Nostalgia of Love You Again
by Barry from Northampton May 21, 2019
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The grandfathering-in of terrible shit as being good because you liked it when you were a child
A feeling of nostalgia swept over Jason as he ate his subpar Fuddruckers burger
by RMP May 2, 2015
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