v. adj. Being, or the act of being a fricking hoebag.
Man, you being hoesy right now.
Don't be hoesy.
by Heath November 16, 2004
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When a desperate mother of two snags your best friend in an attempt to gain a 4th engagement ring and move in, baggage and all.
Who? Oh, he was Hosied right after the New Year's party. We haven't seen him since.
by Ferbizzle September 16, 2010
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Hosie is the platonic relationship between Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman from CW's 'Legacies'.

They've stated that they each had a childhood crush on each other when younger but are over those crushes. They used past sentences when they opened up about said childhood feelings.

Hope sometimes sees Josie as a friend, sometimes as a sister and some others as a complete stranger and nothing more than "Lizzie's sister."

The fans of this platonic bond started shipping them when ex-Show Runner and now Executive Producer of the show Julie Plec posted an Instagram story with actresses Danielle R. Russell and Kaylee Bryant saying that the characters ship name was "Hosie". Both actresses have said that they only started this because, A) they call each other wives. and B) they wanted the representation of a CW show lead to be sexually fluid. But they've both also said a countless amount of times that they think Handon should be endgame since and quote, "they're meant to be."

Currently Hope is single on the show since Landon had to break her heart in order to save her. And Josie is in a relationship with her girlfriend Finch.

Kaylee and Courtney are really good friends and love Finsie, which is the ship name of their characters relationship. Let's hope Courtney stops experiencing attacks from the Hosie fandom and Finch doesn't share the same fate as Leah Pipes' character Cami had, after a large amount of Klaroline shippers harassed her for years.
"Will Hosie become endgame? I feel like Handon is endgame." - Danielle R. Russell and Kaylee Bryant
by stating TVDU facts June 7, 2021
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A toxic white ship made up by teenage bullies and ugly people. Hosie is the pure definition of what a ship shouldn't be. The characters are more like sisters, and those who ship them support incest. Hosie is for racist, homophobic babies who care only about Josie (Kaylee Bryant) and actually hate Hope (Danielle Rose Russell)
Hosies are known for telling people to kill themselves, and for bullying the actors and writers who work on the show.

Hosies are delusional and like to make up scenes that don't exist. Hosies are just plain horrible people.
You're so toxic, you must be a hosie
Don't rise to the delusion of a hosie
Oh, you're a hosie? Makes sense now
by truthsucksdoesntit August 6, 2021
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A non-canon ship between two characters Hope Mikealson and Josie Saltzman from the show Legacies. It is a nice ship but it has a very toxic and bitchy fanbase who are basically bullies.
Someone told me to K myself cause I'm a hizzie. Ugh another toxic Hosie fan again.
by Hosiesuckit August 8, 2021
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A father with a kid and the mom walked out on him.
Hey guys didn't Jerry get Sam Pregnant.
Yeah, but i think hes a hosi now
by dracoj May 25, 2008
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slumbag hosie

| slu-m bag hose-ee |

A title, not partial to male or female, characterized by behavior including inappropriate comments, overt sexual desires, alcoholic urges, and behavior that may result in a possible misdemeanor, or expulsion from private religious institutions.
A slumbag hosie could include anyone who demonstrates suppressed urges that result in deviant behavior.
by yours truly~Concerned January 27, 2011
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