this one is especially for gym coaches. GYAT means “go you athletic teens!”
“Amy and Haley are working very hard on squatting right now!”
by Iightninggmcqueenz June 2, 2023
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An Aave(Not GenZ AA people have been using this for years.) Way of pronouncing God(usually has Damn at the end of it.) It is used when people see something Surprising, Shocking, Or exciting.

People from TikTok use this pronunciation incorrectly.

Now that you know please use Gyat correctly it's cringey when you use it the incorrect way.
Correct way:
"Gyat Damn that Mf got Fucked up!"
"Gyat Damn She got a Fatty!"
"Gyat Damn why he do that?"

Incorrect way:
"She got a Gyat!"
"Do you have a Gyat?"
"That Gyat Looking' fine."
by DxpressedPerson July 2, 2023
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I’m so fucking tired of seeing people using this term incorrectly. The term “gyat” is AAVE for “goddamn”. Because of the accent of southern black americans, instead of saying “Goddamn” they say “gyat” or “gyat damn”. Gyat doesn’t mean a fat ass idk where tf y’all get that from. I mean, you can use it to express your emotions if you see a girl with a fat ass but the term itself doesn’t mean a fat ass. y’all unseasoned mayo assassins just steal aave & run with it
Person 1:“Your total is $100”

Person 2: “Gyatt!”

*sees someone with a fat ass*

*sees a beautiful woman*
by correcting your aave August 27, 2023
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“Gyat” is a shortened word from “goddamn
“Gyat” is used by people to describe a persons curvy body, or if they have a big ass.
GYAT! She got some big ass cheeks!!”
by mimi 💯 November 1, 2023
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Generation Z saying for whenever a woman with THICK Ass walks pass or is sighted on spot.
*Woman Walks pass Man*
*Man Turns Around, Looks Below Her Back*
*Sees Cheeks*

by IG @MyDisadvantage April 15, 2023
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Gyat: word used as slang for "How is your day" . Preferably used on girls. Can be used to make lots of friends of any gender
by NOTTHATINDIAN March 29, 2023
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