to make a girl cum in a projectile fashion, often launching in the same manner as a male
Me and kaitlin were having sex and i got her bronzing on my face.
by Mitchh November 8, 2007
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The act of tanning whether it be in a tanning bed or out in the sun. This term is coined by the color of ones skin upon completion of the act of tanning. This color will most likely come from bronzers in tanning lotions.
Guy 1: Hey man, what are you doing after the gym?

Guy 2: Getting my "Bronze on" then some laundry
by Kitty Cat Cate July 20, 2010
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The Bronze is the awesome club where you and all your cool friends plan to hang out over the weekend, only it isn't really called "The Bronze". You call it that instead of referring to the location by its actual name so you don’t have to worry about tag-a-longs
Clara: Hey are you coming to Everett's tomorrow night?

Molly: Shush! Call it The Bronze. I don’t want freaks following us there
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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Famous Basketball Player of the Los Angeles Lakers with a net worth of 1 Billion as of 2022
“This place is called the Bronze Jade Art GalleryCordelia continued.
by Maelae August 20, 2022
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A female who only dates or marry guys for their money, but not guys who are wealthy. Far lower than a gold digger.
She had two kids with this guy and now he supports her with his disability check. What a bronze digger.
by Crown Princess Bitch April 25, 2015
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Another word for the butt hole, women's and men's.
"Oh my god!!!" Kennedy making a face, "You saw his bronze medal?!! Ick."
by Babydoll75 March 4, 2019
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The lowest rank in League of Legends. People in this rank typically bad players, who blames his teammates for his losses and bad actions, and can't advance to any other ranks such as Bronze IV, Silver, Gold and so forth.
Not all Bronze V players are like this.
User 1: Why do you think John is always so angry at others?

User 2: Because he's a Bronze V.
by cough cough cough June 21, 2014
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