When two men cross penis's and try to bend and twist them around one another.
I walked in on Kevin and Dave making balloon animals
by Dudeman2007 September 27, 2021
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A perverse, sexual act when a woman sucks a man's penis through his anus. His penis is turned inside out in this process, and protrudes out his rectum. (The woman has to suck really, really hard to achieve this)

After climax, the woman then blows the man's penis back through his butt hole to return the penis to its normal shape.
Animal balloons of these caliber are not intended for children's parties.
by wo1v3r1n3 February 24, 2012
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The act of pumping air into a penis pinching it off and sprinkling cocaine at the tip and blowing it into someone’s face
After she gave me a Portuguese snow blower so I was inclined to give her a bogota balloon animal it was the gentlemanly thing to do
by Pedro pissant July 4, 2024
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