A homosexual male with a taste for female clothing and an insatiable appetite for sex
Don't be a Thi dude!
by BMG January 8, 2004
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The Spaniard and Mexican way of saying "Si" due to their lisp. Only Americans say "Si" because they do not have a native tongue.
Mexican 1- ?Quieres ir a los Estados Unidos?

Mexican 2- !THI!
by Rigoberto Carrillo April 16, 2008
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often young asian kids who have an accent, yet have lived in the USA their whole life
Yo man, you've got to turn the thiing on before you use it.
by A. Yelmorb April 6, 2003
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"Si thi" means see you... as in goodbye. Often used in Barnsley and throughout Yorkshire.
by Dmjt_123 January 21, 2019
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a hyper brunette, straight edge, a hard to get with girl, easily taken out to chinese food. normally sexy.
dammn!! i took out a thi-lan last night, but she wouldn't get jiggy wit' me!
by Phia and magggy March 27, 2010
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Anh Thi is such a good girl, she can do a lot of things for her friends. She’s really jealous and possessively. At the beginning, no one want to be his friend, but when people know her, everybode is hooked on her. She is annoying, wicked and honest , but his friends love’s her for this.

You have to have an Anh Thi in your life. She really love his friends, even if she doesn’t show it.
by Urbantriz January 29, 2018
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Hypothetical fraternity one joins after having been "sworn in" with a good night of drinking and romance.
Look! Bob's been un-dweebed! He finally made it to I Felta Thi!
by pentozali November 21, 2005
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