An elite drunken organization dedicated to the discrimination against all sexes, races, creeds, organizations, and/or national origin, including ourselves.
I can't remember the latter half of the night I was abducted into the Qua.
by Beta Grammitus March 3, 2004
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A rather attractive and large breasted female that has a rather unusually pale complexion. Becomes more applicable if the subject being addressed is also rather stubborn.
She was a Qua, so I got her sunblock for her birthday. She was grateful.
by Lord of the August 11, 2009
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word said when you dont no what sombody just said or did and want an answere but could realy care less mannly used by queers on xbox 360.
alex pencer: ha matt did you no that every action has a reaction.
Matt midrok: ...Qua... "Queer"
by mr kstein February 29, 2012
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a fat guy who plays counterstrike and sweats while he does it and never goes outside and his over grown
damn look hes a quas get away from him
by vito February 28, 2005
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