Founded in 1856 at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. Largest social fraternity in US

SAE-Sigma Alpha Epsilon
by SAEnumber1 January 26, 2008
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The Douche that posted above does not know what he is talking about when it comes to Ball State SAE'S, They are not even close to the fattest house on campus and they throw some of the best parties on Campus especially the Halloween Party and Paddy Murphy, these guy's live by the TG and are the most fun and best frat on campus hands down, but hate them all you want, they are still on top!
by SIG EP SUCKS May 4, 2008
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Founded in t-town 1856, and are probably cooler than you.
"I think those Sigma Alpha Epsilon guys are assholes"
"Yea, but thats because you're a fag"
by tzu, sun January 31, 2008
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New Mexico Tau:
Founded February 9th of 1946.
Tau is known for keeping true to old tradition as well and staying with the times as far as social issues are concerned.
Be True. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon NM Tau.
by NMTau January 2, 2008
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a fraternity with A bunch of Douchebags who think they are the shit. They are loud and obnoxious and probably the least academic of all fraterities.
person 1: Man that guy is such a D-bag.
person 2: Well he is a Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE)
person 1: oh, it figures
by SAE'sareD-bags April 5, 2006
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sigma alpha epsilon is a group of people in a greek organizaation that was founded in 1856
one of the coolest groups ofdudes
boys clubs.. what?!
most diverse
i thought about pledging for sigma alpha epsilon...who wouldnt
by tuyshort February 1, 2008
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A douchebag fraternity which only allows stupid so cal aholes to be in their frat. Known as SAE - Sexual Assault Expected. Especially at SDSU. Is the epitome of southern california bro's. Not a decent human being belongs to this frat.
Wow. That was awesome when those guys from Sigma Alpha Epsilon date raped us last night.
by stickywetrag September 17, 2008
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