One of the funniest/classiest men in the world. He created Family Guy and co-created The Cleveland Show and American Dad. He also produced the movie Ted. He is an Atheist. He is probably even more incredible than Harrison Ford... maybe.
Guy 1: Oh this show's so fucking hilarious!
Guy 2: That's because Seth Macfarlane made it!
Guy 1: Oh that guy's awesome!
by Some lady who likes this guy January 21, 2013
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lovely boy

what ever he is defenetly he made you laugh so its not ethical to chage your mind about him such cruly.
dont judge his beliefs.
its his own bussiness.
please respect such these people .
you will miss them surely after they gone.
please please show your love for him not to make him stop whatever he is doing right now.
enjoy him please

people: you have to continue your work seth.
people:because we wont make it without you. we love you all
seth macfarlane is a genius, lovely, talented voiceman filmmaker programmer and respecful man.
by lover of America June 23, 2018
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One of our generations most smart and funny influences.
Seth macfarlane is a funny mother fucker.
Ya but he's very smart and knowledgeable too.
by kstan3 September 27, 2010
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One of the most funniest and smartest people ever. Seth Macfarlane is the creator of Cleveland Show, American Dad, and his most popular show, Family Guy. People say Seth is untalented and has no ideas of his own. Well those people are dumb rednecks who think Obama is Hitler because he wants to give America health care. Seth rarely takes jokes from Simpsons, but other than that, he is pretty clever. You have to be smart to understand his humor, unfortunately Americans these days aren't smart so they don't understand his jokes.
Seth Macfarlane is really badass. It's a shame that the guys at FOX are dumb Republicans.
by barrelroll123 November 14, 2010
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ya know what annoys me? that on urban dictionary people praise Cartman more than Seth MacFarlane. that is so fucked. SETH IS AWESOME.
by isannoyed@antiseths August 8, 2009
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Probably the greatest freaking genius ever!!! An atheist and a supporter of gay rights who is best known for creating and voicing many of the characters in Family Guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show. Unfairly ridiculed for supposedly ripping off the Simpsons where, when you watch it is almost NOTHING like any of the shows he created (btw I love the Simpsons and am a fan). He also created a movie this year called Ted. MacFarlane has made people laugh for the past 13 years or so and always will.
Fred: Hey, what are you up to?
Ben: Watching Family Guy
Fred: Man I love that show it's so fucking funny!!
Ben: Ya I know
Fred: Doesn't Seth MacFarlane voice like 10 of the people in that show?
Ben: Yup
by Regina Phalange #2 November 20, 2012
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Creator of animated serious Family Guy, American Dad, and the Cleveland Show. Most famous for cutaways. A cartoon genious whose character Brian seems like an emo version of Schulz's character Snoopy.
Seth Macfarlane is the creator of the hilarious show "Family Guy" that will make you laugh till you pee even if you say you hate it.
by Peppermint Patty+Charlie Brown November 25, 2011
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