A girl who loves cats and is a very nice person.
Renata likes to read a book about cats.
by Artemisdefines November 21, 2017
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Renata is odd in so many ways and is really shy. She is very self conscious about herself and does not like when people stare at her. She is curvy, but thinks she is chubby, she thinks that her body isn’t the best. She always compares herself to everyone. Renata isn’t a confident person.
?: “Who’s that girl over there?”
Classmate: “Oh that’s just Renata, she doesn’t really talk much. “
by November 21, 2021
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The worlds most bitchiest girl. She is usually fat, hairy, ugly and self-centered. In good words she is "ambitious" and she works hard to achieve her goal, whether its a good one or not...
Tom: Hey what is your dream??

Renata: To steal my bestfriends boyfriend and ruin her life....

Tom: oh....
by June810 May 13, 2010
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A girl who's a maneater. Someone who'll chew you up and spit you out for the cleaners to scrape you off the hard cold concrete floor
I just got renata'd and recovering with a few pints of concrete to harden up, mixed with a good dose of beer
by ren a ta June 27, 2019
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"I can now freestyle dance thanks to my freestyle dance teacher, Renata Bliss."
by wellthatsmustache February 16, 2018
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The hottest, sexiest,smartest, coolest
One of higher being
One with sexy body
One with great tongue action
One skilled at art of pleasure
Shit that chick is almost as good as Renata
Ohhh Renata
by Renata December 11, 2004
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N. A theory describing a situation in which an individual commandeers a conversation, only to immediately make that conversation exceedingly boring.
Professor: "Let us now examine the Renata Effect. Notice how this group of five people were initially discussing the very interesting topic of the difference between a chode and a taint when one of the individuals aggressively hijacked the topic at hand, only to begin telling a mundane story about the rate at which certain traffic lights change."
by Captain Hot Pocket January 5, 2009
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