spanish word for a black/ colored person...
i am morena....i am black
by ariana September 21, 2004
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I am Morena and proud of it!
by Rae November 7, 2004
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Also known as Morana, Marana, Mara or Morzana, she is the Slavic goddess of death, rebirth and afterlife. A common tradition is to create an effigy of her on Easter and either burn it and throw it into a river or just yeet it in to the river.
It's the end of the winter, let's burn Morena to celebrate it
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In April 13 is the Malta Morena Day, in this day you have to drink at least 2 sixpacks of Malta Morena
Hey marta today is the National Malta Morena day, so lets go to my house and enjoy a ton of Malta Morena
by The Bright Guy April 12, 2018
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A person who has no teeth a.k.a Pangag
Convo wd Kikay,and Honey
Ako:Si kikay kay Morena
Ako:Na sub raan lang pagka Morena
Honey:Wla na sya ron kabalo ug Morena (talking to kikay)😹
Kikay:Kabalo man gud ko ana
Ako:Unsa man daw 😹
by NoDirection January 13, 2023
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Morena was a slavic goddess of a long and cold winter, a winter that could bring death through famine and extreme cold, and which could cause disease and massive death of the cattle.
Our ancestors used to burn a doll that represented Morena in order to to chase away winter, death and disease.
Her arrival was therefore always expected with fear, and her departure was celebrated with a lot of noise and cheer
As the goddess of winter, Morena was never popular among the Old Slavs
by CheeseCqke19 November 21, 2021
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