Someone who has a tiny dong and is desperate for girls. Takes advantage of girls unknowingly.
Tries to be funny but comes of as rude. Tries to be a leader but is socially awkward.
Carla: hey stop being such a mihir!
Craig: whaddya mean?
Carla: i mean stop being such a desperate cunt
by stantothesmiths January 3, 2018
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Mihir is a person who doesn’t understand jokes. Not only that but he was dumb enough to go into the fucking International Baccalaureate Program #whatadumbass. Mihir needs to learn not to die his hair yellow and look like an Oompa Loompa headass.
Kid: Hey Mihir! What’s up?

Mihir: The sky
Kid: Ha
by Spartanddawgs1 February 15, 2018
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Pussy eater, all women love him, regularly hooks up, one of the funniest guys you ever know.
Never let go of a Mihir
by Bsdk May 17, 2019
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A kid who is "funny". (a.k.a. he is not at all funny, and no one ever laughs at his jokes.) Looks like a derpy dork.
Mihir: Knock Knock?
Random Kid: Who's there?
Mihir: Boo
Random Kid: Boo who...
Mihir: Aw why you crying?
Random Kid: ...idiot
by judgeytauruskids December 20, 2015
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The person who takes calculated risks. Hes a determined person who never gives up and is always prepared for any situation. Hes loveable sweetheart and an emotional cutie. Kind hearted who puts others first & spreads positivity.Hes an encouraging person who inspires people and brings out the best in others.
by @Monicafairy November 24, 2021
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where do i start...
•doesn’t know the alphabet
•kinda dumb but really smart
•can’t remember lyrics to save his life
•tries to stab ppl
weird af (in a good way)
•shoves a lot

Mihir is really nice and funny and pleasant to be around. He makes really horrible puns and has... unique quirks. Also, he has a very punchable face. He supposedly likes arguing which is fine because we all like a good argument every once in a while. Makes horrible puns and often goes by the name of Mihirio the Cheerio, or Mustard Boi.
Ew it’s Mihir
Mihir tried to stab me
Mihir put down the pen you don’t have to do this
Someone help im getting stabbed
by not sophia December 19, 2018
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