Dawn is the sunrise of our lives!
by Dee mck February 6, 2010
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non-caffinated natural morning perkiness, the ying to the yang of the night owl.

the sudden lightbulb going off in your mind that usually is combined with a slap on the forehead.

both can be enhanced by a good cup of coffee
dawning is rising with the first spark of sunlight or when you realize what has been nagging you and it all comes clear.
by car2ner February 4, 2010
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New Day! New beginning, the explosion of bright light in your eyes. Arise and Shine for the light has come!
fresh and new dawn
by New Day February 3, 2010
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God. Literally God. Dawn Bright is the coolest living thing you will ever meet.
"Man, I love Dawn Bright so much, I had to become a Brightist as soon as I heard it,"
by A_BrightDawn September 1, 2021
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The most loveliest woman you would ever meet, kind, caring and the best mum.
Isn’t your mum Dawn? She’s so nice
by sunrise1975 March 4, 2018
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Dawn is a person that represents a new journey. They are the type of people to move on after a obstacle comes her way. She is loyal and kind but the way you treat her affects how she would treat you. She is a short girl with hope and many hidden talents that would help her succeed in life in the future.
She’s so talented! She must be a Dawn
by LumpiaShanghai October 1, 2018
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The best person alive don’t @ me she is so beautiful not even Beyoncé could handle her most people look up to her as being independent strong and sexy she usually has brown hair and blue eyes And very good at football super attractive and very sarcastic usually getting along better with boys
Dawn played a stormer at the match
by Dawn 💯💯💯 October 14, 2019
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