Someone who starts watching a DVRed show without you' after agreeing to wait for you.

1. Can also use this for DVD or Blueray movies

2. Name of show is used in place of DVR TV
You DVR TV Whore; You said you would wait until I got back from the crapper to start the show!!

would be used as

You America's Next Top Model Whore; You said you would wait until I got back from the crapper to start the show!!
by Fresh4LFE September 21, 2010
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Any type of media (movies, TV episodes, sporting events, etc.) that you recorded on your DVR but never watch; their sole purpose of being there, it seems, is just to take up space.
You recorded that entire Indiana Jones movie marathon? Now that`s just DVR-bage!!
by P. Cayune March 10, 2013
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When you stop fast-forwarding because you thought your show came back on, only to find out that it was a short clip followed by more commercials.
That show "Ridiculousness" is always dvr cock blocking me by playing short clips in the middle of commercials!
by HardcoreAC July 28, 2016
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Allowing a TV program to start recording, before beginning to watch, so enough time elapses to skip through commercials.
-Bro, So You Think You Can Dance is starting; put it on!
-Yeah bro it's recording, I'm building up DVR Equity so we can skip the commercials.
by Teddy McTederson April 21, 2011
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