Females name, meaning LEGEND BEAUTIFUL AMAZING
Omg her name is Cayla?? SHE MUST BE A QUEEN
by Drink-124 June 27, 2021
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Quite the uncanny one. Usually a ranga with a loving for chode boys such as Hady.
Finlay: How uncanny there is a mere ranga Cayla

Tyler: Woo Woo Woo
Hayden: Fuck orrrrff, I don't have a chode!
by Finner451 May 5, 2016
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A tired person. A woman who looks and feels ten years older than she actually is. Her excessive exhaustion is the result of biting off more than she can chew with every decision she makes. Someone who is always wearing herself down for the sake of others who don't understand nor appreciate how thin she spreads herself. Can be associated with anxiety, depression, and lethargy.
Don't be like Cayla. She's tired.
by Tired momma December 20, 2016
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Caylas is someone who makes fun of you but in the best way possible. she always tells the truth no matter what. She is a true friend and has an amazing laugh.
Every person should have a Caylas in their lives. they're pretty legendary.
by Amara The legend September 2, 2021
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this name means pretty, intelligent, and doesnt let her gaurd down. SHe is the bestest friend a person can have and always knows when to help you or not. She sometimes can be moodly but keep trying to talk to her and she will finally losen up. But like i said she is the bestest friend a person could have and for guys she is a really great girl friend to have.
Isant calya hinzpeter the bestest friend you could have?
by Samantha October 20, 2004
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The act of shoving a corn cob up your anus while pulling your eyelashes out.
My boyfriend gets off to the Dirty Cayla, it’s ruining my eyelashes though.
by Jewelsforlife June 11, 2021
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