A cranky, old, impatient game show host who needs to give it up. He always feels the need to make rude comments to the contestants of the show, and is always rushing them.

I couldn't agree more with Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore when he says, "I hate that Bob Barker".
Bob Barker: This is Bob Barker reminding you to help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!

Me: Why doesn't someone have you spayed or neutered??
by Qbert June 29, 2005
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Ex-gameshow host on "The Price is Right." He retired the other day, after a whole hellofa long time as host, and always advised to Spay and Neuter your pets. After coming up in the 29,999,999 position in the 3chan 30,000,000 post escapade of 6/17/07, he was deemed an honorary meme by God.
On the 8th day, God created Game shows but he forgot the hosts.
On the 9th day, God created Bob Barker and since then, we never left the tube.
by Mike2115 June 16, 2007
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When Bob Barker on the Price is Right calls up a contestant and they run up screaming and yelling. An even more severe case is when a contestant wins a bid goes into epilepsy and start attacking Bob Barker.
Oh noez, crazy lady has Bob Barker Syndrome.
by J@m3$ H@nl3y April 30, 2007
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a poop or a turd.. aka a kenny. usually large although sometimes not so much
"Man I just dropped a huge bob barker in that bowl. It was sorta black, what does that mean?"

"I think it means your stomach's bleeding, that's weird. Anyway yeah i took a bob barker and it hurt man."

that sucks.
by jarchrist November 15, 2007
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The act of spading or nutering your dog or cat and/or the act of a male being publicly embarresed by female
Jon was given the Bob Barker Treatment from his girlfriend Summer.
by Schon Carr October 31, 2007
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The act of a male being publicly humiliated by a female.

The inspiration comes from the end of all episodes of the Price is Right when Bob Barker remindes the viewers to spade or nuter their pets.
Brian was given the Bob Barker treatment from Summer in front of his boys at football practice!
by Schon Carr November 5, 2007
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The act of shitting in a condom and freezing it for several hours then beat their vagina with the frozen shit condom.
Oh damn, I heard Justin gave his girl, Ashley, a Bob Barker Special last night.
by betty489 June 2, 2010
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