A pirate's web-log
Blackbeard, have ye seen what Anne Bonny has been sayin' 'bout ye on her blarg?!
by thecomplete180 March 9, 2011
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Blarg is an all-powerful creature beyond possible human comprehension. Blarg cannot be defeated by anything. Ever.
Blarg should be the ruler of the Universe, as he is so awesome.
by Metal4 August 5, 2004
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a word used commonmly to denote dissatisfaction and disgust toward a person or situation.
Person one: Hey We're gonna go see hanson tonight!
Person two: Blarg!
Person one: What?
by Kelley Pitts November 19, 2003
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The sound covenant elites make from the "Halo Series"
Spartan1 "SHOOT THAT THING!!!"
by thundadragon August 7, 2011
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1. A word used in any way shape or form. Whether it be verb, noun, or interjection!
2. A race of undesirable being from the Ratchet and Clank Universe.
1. You blarg'd my Battle Ship!/What in the name of blarg was that?/BLAAAHHRRRHGHGHGGGG!!
2. Those things smell worse than a blargians undershorts.
by tylah June 19, 2006
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An exclamation, uttered when something is seen or heard that renders the person who saw/heard it incapable of understandable speech.
A:Did you just walk in on your parents having sex?
by Dr_Satan August 24, 2003
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