It's the day of 8 wonderful, amazing, good-looking, kind, precious, respectable, genuine, talented, alot are simping for them, stage geniuses, aces, singers,dancers,rappers,choreographers,song writers,producers,self-picked,self-named,all-rounders, 4th gen kings,amazing musicians, independent kings, the main characters, flirty, charismatic, and many more I could even write several paragraphs for this.
Simp1: Its March 25!!
Simp2: Yeahhh!! Stray Kids world domination!!!
by A stay July 30, 2021
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March 25th is an amazing day to be born on you get clout you have sooooo many friends and real friends 👭 and always have people’s backs

I am March 25 ❤️🌈🌊🌴
I wish I was born on March 25th because......
by 😂 hehehe 😂 December 4, 2019
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March 25th is the day where you bash up the people you are friends with
what was that for?”
“hey dont worry you can do the same since its march 25th!”
bashes eachother
by xoxoxmee March 24, 2022
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A day that gay motherfuckers named “Aiden” or “Hubert” are born.
Hubert: “Did you hear about that queer eye episode last night?”
Aiden: “Yeah they made that guy look thicc asf”
Hubert: “when’s your birthday btw?”
Aiden: “March 25”
by Chicken Coochie October 17, 2019
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Go hug your dad who you've treated poorly since you were 7 because he never yelled at you and when he does he apoligizes the second after
Thats March 25 for you :(
by 24k_badd1e on YT March 25, 2021
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Commonly recognized as the day All Evil was Formed and sent shooting into the universe in its own calculated and cruel big bang. Positively the worst day in all of history. Any and All born this day are known to have a unfathomable amount of evil and cruelty. Males are neither hideous nor beautiful, but a awkward in between to to confuse anyone or thing they may attach themselves to. Females often stunningly beautiful. Cunning and arrogant are two words that may describe March 25 born creatures. If you bear a child this day you may consider therapy from a early start for yourself, as you may feel the child is deliberately trying to aggravate, and critique you from birth (which it is) to help you cope.
Day of Death, Pain and Suffering.
Doctor : I'm so sorry, your baby is Due March 25 th.
Mother: ( tears roll down face and whimpers) "why?, why....?"
Father: (drops down in knees and wails loudly) "KHAAAAN!!!!"
by air_22 March 25, 2014
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