top 100 creator and bunch is the coolest guy ever, he can make levels in like 2 days and get the epic rated honestly being friends with him will be awesome he is the greatest youtuber ever!11!!!1
person 1: dude your levels are so good?!

person 2: yeah but not as good as bunch GD
by a sussy meaning guy thing February 19, 2022
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All different versions of one person (commonly based on the hair appearance)
1. Rathrack
2. Rethreck
3. Rithrick
4. Rothrock
5. Ruthruck
6. Rythryck (sometimes)
by Mr. Observant December 12, 2004
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My husband is going to the party in a leather thong. I'm in bunches already!
by drew.Bear June 3, 2017
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Boring, Uninteresting. Comes from the speculation that the Mars Volta's fifth album would be "a bunch of widows", "The Widow" being one of their hit singles.
I thought the party would be a blast, but no one brought booze so it was just a bunch of widows.
by random name 98364 July 4, 2009
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