To Guggle a Bunch is to shake someone’s shoulder muscle vigorously.
Micheal : “Hey man”

Mike: “Hey!”

Micheal: “Can I give you a Guggle Bunch?”

Mike “SURE”
by hotgirlhouse March 7, 2023
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All different versions of one person (commonly based on the hair appearance)
1. Rathrack
2. Rethreck
3. Rithrick
4. Rothrock
5. Ruthruck
6. Rythryck (sometimes)
by Mr. Observant December 12, 2004
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My husband is going to the party in a leather thong. I'm in bunches already!
by drew.Bear June 3, 2017
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“wow this place is crowded!”
i know it’s a hell of a bunch of people!”
by carne asada March 3, 2022
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When your underwear smashes your nuts.
My tightie whities smashed my nuts so hard, it really bunched my bojangles.
by TheBaconSizzle January 12, 2017
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