another term for the top (in a gay relationship)
You know someone is the leash holder because they are the one to hold the phone when you’re looking at memes together.
by casual_vibes November 18, 2020
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To those of you that are still seated I know a lot of you still have stories but your not ready to share them yet and that is okay when your ready I will we will listen not only will we listen but we will help you in anyway we can and together bring change to the community of edgewater for better…but there is one person in particular that has the greatest story to tell that can undo all the wrongs and make it right this boy can change everything for the better going forward he is the answer to all our questions will be help us now and where has he been over the last 4 years since we can’t state names due to guidelines here is a riddle

Who plays on muddy

His favorite numbers start with 4

7th in the alphabet

Event soon to be near him very soon in a few days time will tell
The holder of all secrets
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The two divots above a womans behind on her back, that straddle the spine. They are not visable on fat women. They make perfect divots to collect seamen.
I came on her back, and it ran into her oyster holders.
by bag of swimmers May 5, 2010
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A tool of torture where you've doomed if you use it and doomed if you dont - it keeps gravity from taking control but can be quite suffocating.
H.: Golly, they've reached your knees?
N.: Yeah, gravity hates me
H.: Screw gravity, buy a new pair of holder-uppers!
by Iamalama December 22, 2010
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One who prevents another from doing something of importance or relevance
She is a holder-upper for when I am trying to pack my stuff to move.
by alaoaeriajga January 3, 2010
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Politically correct term for nazis;
Usually, there should not be any politically correct terms for politically uncorrect people, but one may use this term here to refer to such specimens if one wishes to be creative, or if one is standing right next to such a group of people and does not desire to be understood. The use of a slightly cryptic circumscription guarantees in itself that a nazi does not understand it, because his brain capacity does not allow for more than hand-raising (hence the term) or the utterance of sentences with more than two words.
This term is particularly fitting for young nazis in rural areas, who tend to lack the courage to move out of mommy's place before the age of 70 (when they move to a retirement home because mommy is no more). In exchange for home and food, they have to help with chores, such as holding a laundry line in the yard, which their stiff right arms are perfect for.
"Haha, look at this ridiculous right-handed laundry line holder over there!"
by Favorite cousin May 1, 2012
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when his hands are made to go around your neck
his necklace holder was around my neck
by ooooooopposssss July 1, 2020
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