when you go to get a quick bite to eat and for some reason your order takes forever
person 1: god damn its been 15 minutes and all i ordered was a burger

Person 2: yeah and that burger doesn't even need cheese

Person 1: no kidding, talk about fast food long
by lil steezy January 14, 2010
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"The better something tastes and/or the more filling it is, the worse it is for you." (Well, duhhh...!) Similar to when you are given a spoonful of medicinal syrup and it tastes absolutely terrible, and so you figure that it MUST be good for you. (And of course, that may indeed be true sometimes, but I wonder if a lot of times it's merely somewhat of a placebo effect --- your body just hurries up and gets well so that it doesn't hafta stomach the tortures of gagging down any more of that horrid bitter/sour elixir!)
I love rich sumptuous foods like burgers and fries, but my hippie-guru doctor put me on a diet of yucky-tasting bean sprouts and tofu --- talk about a classic case of Murphy's Law of Food-Flavor!
by QuacksO September 5, 2019
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When you promise some slut something in exchange for a BJ and she has to think about it first. Then you get the BJ and break your promise.
I gave that slut at the bar some food for thot. She was so mad lol.
by PoopDïcķDalhmer October 10, 2021
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The liquid substance that leaks from the bottom of your sink when the food disposal gets clogged.
Josh stood there as the food water cascaded over his feet while he attempted to wash the dishes from Easter dinner; no knowing that the food disposal has clogged.
by Doctortoxic April 9, 2023
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Old name "cheese revolution" is the team of food that is fighting against the blobs
Person 1: hey have you joining the food revolution

Person 2: yes
by Cheese solder February 22, 2021
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whereas just "food desert" is currently considered (more from public health perspective) as places where the local populations do not have (convenient) access to affordable, healthy food, this more wholistic concept is a less human-centric understanding that implies both, a low, non-proportionate amount of food grown, and dependency on (usually both environmentally unsustainable and imbalanced fossil fuel energies and farm land stewardship) less-/unnatural imports of food from "non-renewable" or less lively (e.g. degraded/depleted top soils and watersheds) source farms
After being affected by the spirit of "deep ecology", I had a fresher awareness of the ironic, or at least unnatural, situation of how the grocery stores, markets, restaurants, etc. made it appear like there's an abundance of food, but our less- or unhealthy human-built environment that had me dependent on unsustainable, imbalanced energies (like fossil fuels and their corresponding implements) actually was an ecological food desert.
by kikibo22 July 12, 2019
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