When a so called man of God lines his subjects up like bowling pins and throws his coat or waves his hand at them they all fall, fall down like bowling pins. (strike!!). Claiming to be slain in the Holy spirit.
The pastor invoked an altar call and 10 people came forward. He lined them up like bowling pins then after throwing his coat toward them they all fell down like a strike in bowling. This is Spiritual Bowling.
by Runt Of Hell August 15, 2011
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When someone takes a shit and flushes the bowl but then when you walk by it smells like something died in there
My girl Helena straight up took a shit at work and after she flushed it smelled like a dead bowl up in there
by CRRAMS😘 August 2, 2018
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"The act of placing one's testicles into a paper bowl in the hopes of turning your team's luck in favor"
Jarod: "Shit, the Indians might actually win the World Series."

- JT: "Fuck, guess I gotta Turkey Bowl it."
by Helloimjosh October 5, 2017
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When you have to drop a massive dump in the toilet.
I ate way too much taco bell, i’m going to go drop a bowl rocker in the toilet.
by ItsRobbieP April 13, 2021
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To "Everest the bowl" is when you take a dump so large that it rises above the water in the toilet. As in, the poo piled up and came up out of the water much like Mt. Everest rises above the clouds.
Man...I really had to drop a deuce. It was huge and I totally just Everest the bowl. What's an Everest the bowl? Yeah it's when the poo rises above the water like Mt. Everest rises above the clouds.
by Hack83 December 27, 2018
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rock bowling is something that certain people do when there's absolutely nothing else to do. It involves driving to a place where you can find a cliff, finding big rocks and rolling them off the cliff. It is most enjoyable when there are good friends around to enjoy it with you
Noah: I'm bored, what do you wanna do?
Keiko: Ummmm, let's go rock bowling!
Noah: Neat!
by noahdabeast October 22, 2008
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