When you’re an eligible bachelor and good with kids. Very desirable to single mom’s. Not to be mistaken for “Plug and Play”.
She saw a future with him. All her problems solved. Standard, Instant family just add Tony.
by Monopoly God May 10, 2021
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When your shit at every game, most notably (NBA2k, COD, Fortnite or Madden) and you have the harsh reality that you suck so that Minecraft Is your only option
Kyle: My Girl just 30 clipped me in 2k and my homeboy with a 60 overall no badges just fried me in 1v1 mycourt

Matthew: Yeah At this point just play Minecraft bro
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The most powerful creature in Just Dance history. There is absolutely no way you are beating him in Just Dance.
You will never beat Just Dance AJ!
by bootyslayer_236 March 9, 2021
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when someone throhs trash in your yard and you tell them to get rid of it and they kick it to thwe street there's a chance it may blow into your yard again
hey dude get that out of here
its trash dude
so i have to pay for that
fine .... there its in the street
dude it just might blow
by scott wigington January 22, 2008
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It means that you're on your way to take a jerk. Instead of openly saying that you want to jerk off, this is a way for parents to hopefully not understand, which reduces the chance of them catching you jerking off.
"Guys, will be back soon, I'm just gonna' take a hot dog at IKEA"
by Bokskogen July 29, 2022
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