An idea that sounds amazing while taking Adderall with friends. These ideas usually consist of turning an easy profit on something or going on grand vacations. However, these plans rarely come to fruition and are not spoke of again until your brain is under a similar influence.
Zatch: I've done some research, if we go on a cruise and play craps the whole time, we can break even and essentially get the cruise for free

Brick: That sounds like an Adderall Idea if I've ever heard one, but I'm in. Also what's that on your nose?
by Toooo October 31, 2013
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It isn't fair to employ people to work for you, but then not tell them all of the basic stuff about your establishment, thus obliging them to sometimes humiliatedly reply, "I have no idea --- I just work here" when queried about something related to your company's operations or policies. Any employee should be able to answer most frequently-asked questions about your place of business that might logically be posed by the general public.
by QuacksO September 12, 2019
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This is a common internet phrase used to describe people that use fallacies to trick unintelligent people into buying courses or following them
Steve: man I love Elon Musk, he’s the real life iron man
Todd: him? He’s a stupid persons idea of a clever person
by Impulsive June 11, 2023
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When you have multiple thoughts at once in that little brain of yours (no offense lol).
As a verb, it is a multi-word (or something) for idea.
If you got any ideas on how to beat this game, please let me know.
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Something that comes up in your mind and can leave permanent marks
by mcr-freaky May 2, 2017
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