Where you eat raw coffee grinds and shake your stomach until you are either caffeinated or puke. Whichever one comes first, it is sure to wake you up.
Yo, Anwar needs to wake up - someone should order him a Colombian Deathsquad
by Siggur February 19, 2021
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Where someone inserts cocaine into their partners or another persons anus and snorts it out.
Hey, that chick gave me a Colombian Rim Job last night!
by Questtttt January 5, 2022
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The action of taking a girl and shoving her torso in the truck of a vehicle. Proceed to blow her back out, and at the moment of climax, yank out ur dong and shove it into her asshole.
I did that thing you told me to try with my girl last night, it had her screaming like a Colombian Straight Pipe
by DomDaddyyyy April 4, 2021
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When your eating cocaine out of your partners ass, and they fart causing a cloud that looks like snow being pushed out of a snowblower.
Dude I was eating nose candy out of Tina’s ass, when she farted giving me a Colombian snowblower
by Mplostinkorea May 20, 2023
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The Colombian Sewer - A sex move where a person sniffs cocaine ( a drug prominent in Columbia) off another persons ass crack after doing anal - there may be feaces over it and it may stink hence the name Sewer.
E.g "Hey Dave, how did you get on with that bird last night? "
"Bro she said do the Colombian Sewer, i did't want to but i was too drunk to care."

"Bro thats nasty."
by Bornator January 24, 2018
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To make a loud audible sound of joy, satisfaction, or pleasure. A few examples of why one might let out a Colombian Airhorn are as follows:

1 winning the lottery
2 having explicit climax(es)
3 inhaling Colombian snowflakes

Despite contrary beliefs, the name does indeed derive from the little known facts that Colombia is known for it's snowflakes, while air horns are known for their loud audible noises.
I was giving rachel the dirty Isabella last night cuz I ran out of jerkzy to feed her, anyway dude when I finished bro, I let out the biggest colombian airhorn since my distant Peruvian second cousin, twice twice removed, visited me last winter.
by NoBull ServeAnt April 19, 2020
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Let's get together later for pancakes.

Colombian pancakes because colombia yeilds pure cocaine.
by HardcoreCapeCod December 24, 2017
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