She is the most amazing, wonderful and lovely girl you can ever meet. She makes me feel loved,hot and attractive. She is soo fit! She looks so amazing. I love her to bits. She is my world.

Mia, I love you so so much <3 xxxxxx
Mia is the best girlfriend in the world.
I think she is beautiful. She makes my nipples go hard at the sight of her.
Oh how I love her.
by Dino Devine April 26, 2010
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Mia is an outgoing crazy girl. She is probably the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She is very athletic and is really talented. She is so beautiful. Guys are basically drooling over her. She is usually African American with big curly hair. She is definitely the best friend/girlfriend you can ever have. You are so lucky if you meet a Mia. If you do, keep her in your life forever.
Random person: I scraped my knee
Mia: let me get you a bandage

Random person: you must be a Mia
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A person who likes to eat food, chill, and hang out with friends. She's got your back when you need it, can make a great joke, and cheer you up any time you're feeling down. She seems super quiet, but once you get to know her, you won't be able to shut her up. She's super crazy, and can never get somewhere on time.
Yo, mia, you are so chill!

Hey, mia, why can't I have as many friends as you?

Mia is like so cute and has like the cutest butt!
by Definently wasn't me October 19, 2017
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She’s a hoe a slut and will always be in love after each relationship. FACTS
Mia is a hoe lover
by Columbia October 23, 2019
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A stupid fucking slut who stole my friend's man. A girl who is from Bolivia and is built like a 7-year-old boy. Smells good but uses her friends as back up because she is to PUSSY to confront someone herself. When her boyfriend fucks her, he says he can only hear bones. She has nothing to grab on. How does your man have more ass than you?
by Ah HaHa......... November 15, 2019
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A girl named Mia is usually VERY shy. Once you get to know her, though, she will be loud, crazy, and funny. Mias are huge scaredy-cats; usually afraid of heights, sharks, suffocation, "dark" places, etc. Mias are usually known to be dorky/nerdy and usually are interested and believe in the paranormal (ghosts, etc). Mias keep to themselves, consider themselves unpopular and nerdy, and tend to hate tons of people. Mias are usually Italian or Irish and have really dark hair and eyes. They are typically very girly; interested in fashion, hair, nails, makeup, etc. but have a boyish side (science) as well. They HATE sports and usually are complete computer addicts. Mias are good friends, but sometimes have a really hard time telling the truth and expressing themselves. They aren't afraid to say what they think.
My friend Mia just IMed me on AIM and said she's going to the mall.
by Maya Muffin February 14, 2010
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