A Mattress Monster is a fat and or butt ugly broad who likes rough and dirty sex and is likely to be infected with multiple varieties of crotch rot.
Dude 1: "Hey man, that broad's hot. I'd do her so hard her grandmother would cum!"
Dude 2: "Oh man! That's sick, you couldn't pay me to stick my dick in that fucking mattress monster. She looks like the love child of Roseanne Barr and Caitlyn Jenner!
by Nubian_Mattress_Monster July 16, 2016
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When a person has a bowel movement while showering and proceeds to force it down the drain with his/her foot.
I could tell from her glistening brown toes that Ethel had done the monster mash this morning.
by Stinner July 6, 2018
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Someone who likes to be better than anyone else
See Marcus over there? He told me I can't lift because I'm not pretty. What an ego monster.
by Dream smasher February 29, 2016
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(v.)Often confused with too much sleep. A monster nap is when you sleep for almost a full day due to lack of sleep the day before.
"Why was Derek pissed off at the dodgeball game?"
"We woke him up from his monster nap."
by theonewhoflops October 17, 2017
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