where Chloe puts up with an insane amount of directioners trying to get a shoutout, using the funniest memes and offering up their firstborns
The Hunger gains are so chaotic... I'm hoping Chloe will pick me for a shoutout
by READYTOHBW February 13, 2021
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When you are hungry and horny at the same time.
by OCP360 July 27, 2018
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A normal hunger that far exceeds anyone else. All consuming. Unyielding. Those who experience HUNGER truly are either those to be feared, or those who should fear for themselves and their sanity before sheer hunger overwhelms their poor mind. You should attempt to satisfy the HUNGER at all costs.
Person 1: Hey man, I haven’t had anything to eat all day. I HUNGER.
Person 2: Oh shit
by Octagonal Revolver October 5, 2021
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another word for being so hungry. youre almost like an animal
trent - "oi cuz im so fucking hungers"

finnlay - "oi ilchay bruz lets get some maccas"

trent - "that's a cure for hungers #nuggetzonme"
by ilikecool6930 June 16, 2024
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"Jack is very chonky as he is much hunger"
by NiceChocolateCookie November 7, 2022
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The feeling when you are not entirely full, and probably wanna eat some more.

Also, when you haven't ate in a long time, you feel hunger

P.s. Hunger Games amazing movies lol.
Ugh, I have such a hunger I'd eat a chair now.
by LupinM14 November 20, 2016
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My friend Logan Hunger than fuck!”
by asher121616 August 14, 2022
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