The act of which a man or woman licks the shaft of a mans penis.
Oh we're gonna do some lolly licking tonight babe.
by jaseyboy March 10, 2016
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A sex position where a man puts liquid candy on his penis and someone licks it off
Angela couldn’t wait to lick the lollie lover off she bit right into it
by Hoseapenis August 1, 2022
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someone who always thinks she's/He's better than everyone else and also likes to suck a dick but then gets cock blocked by the dudes mom. Her/Him gets told by they're mother to never swallow cum because it tastes like rotten milk
''Anika is totally a lolly pop''
by cunt wagon September 25, 2018
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When a group of males typically above the age of 18 get together and masturbate to pictures of underaged children.
Did you hear about those creeps lollie-doggin in the men’s restroom? so creepy.. And illegal!
by JackeMargarett December 19, 2020
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good news, good advice, positive conversations. Tales, or stories.
That dude was a real story teller. He dropped some lollies and gems on us!
by Jayro69 October 8, 2015
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