thinking is aesthetic
oh my goodness jay your thinking is so aesthetic
by September 14, 2021
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Something that is pleasing to look at, that gives people pleasure to gaze at. It is further divided into different types of aesthetic, like- grunge, soft, cottagecore, alt., and so much more.
"Man, I love your aesthetic!"

"Hold up- you prefer kid-core aesthetic over grunge?"
by Matt Dominique May 21, 2021
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my least favorite word⸻only used by people who think labeling themselves as being mentally disabled, non-heterosexual, and part of some other, "oppressed minority" makes them unique when, in fact, it makes them more irritating. often used in conjunction with the words: "uwu;" "quirky;" "pastel;" and that one goddamn twinkling star emoji. words cannot describe how much i hate this word.
"That is 'so. my. aesthetic.'"
by sprspoma June 11, 2021
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An array or presentation of objects/actions/scenes that depict a certain vibe which matches with a person’s personality, story, place, and/or time.
Nothing says ‘grunge aesthetic’ more than this T-shirt and her guitar!
The laptop, lamp, coffee, journal, and your candle couldn’t possibly be more aesthetic!
by Dramatic_croissant December 22, 2021
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a pretty or gory,perhaps a example "horror aesthetic" which is most of the time placed outside in a small forest(depends where you live) with fake blood all over logs to make it looked like someone got murderd in a forest
friend 1:hey did you see jaimies new Instagram theme
friend 2: yah I like the horror aesthetic shes using
by Lannadeldaddy June 6, 2018
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