A thoughtless political experiment in which contradictory and counterproductive governance creates a society so fragmented and chaotic that its leaders are only mocked rather than overthrown.
Alexander Boris DePfeffel Johnson is the archetypal Schrödinger's Populist.
by Professor Arsegarp July 23, 2021
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People who make triggering posts online but made it vague enough that people wouldn't be able to tell if it was sarcastic or not. A schrödinger's wuss will retract his/her statements if the post backfires on them. They can usually be found in facebook groups and forums discussing video games.
That schrödinger's wuss just claimed that his post was sarcastic and was made to show how easily offended the people of the community are. What a joke!
by Dangodingo September 20, 2021
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When someone says something completely out of left field to a stranger, and based on their reaction, decides if it was a test or not.
Schrödinger's Test Guy: *insert offensive or ridiculous thing*
Guy: "What the fuck???"
Schrödinger's Test Guy: That was a test, and you just failed.
by beeixzy June 30, 2023
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A new take on the famous thought experiment, Schrödinger's cat, that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. Inbrought by the undisputed masterpiece "TOO MUCH VOLCANO!" , & its confusion inbrought by Natsuki's lyrics describing the Aso Kujū National Park volcano situation. Natsuki mentioned that there is too much volcano & that there is no volcano? Many theorize that the answer is that it's "TOO MUCH VOLCANO!" given that the song is titled "TOO MUCH VOLCANO!".
Neglected gas stoves left on with candles abutting are like Schrödinger's Volcano: until you check in, they exist as both exploded & non-exploded .
by MoribundMurdoch June 22, 2021
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A person who changes how they rate a series of media based on twitter reaction and who they’re talking to (usually anime/manga/vn)
Trixs is a Schrödinger’s Media Consumer.
by TldrNud November 25, 2022
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A person who changes how they rate a series of media based on twitter reaction and who they’re talking to (usually anime/manga/vn)
Trixs is a Schrödinger’s Media Consumer.
by TldrNud November 25, 2022
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A fap that is not witnessed by a second party.
A fap either did or did not occur due to quantum entanglement - schrödinger's fap
by Fausnaught April 7, 2015
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