Πεπε comes from the word pepega and used in the same way as pepega, its a synonym that just sounds way better

by Chianoukioas November 13, 2020
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A virgin male, who lives playing with people’s cocks.
Guy 1: Wow here comes Pepe.
Guy 2: Better grab onto your dick!
by Pepe_Lover69 October 17, 2018
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A tiresome, outworn metameme filling the consciousness of the vacuous. As it is unsatisfactory, it keeps coming back to try again. An NFT for people who don't know what an NFT is. The last of the last gasps gasping.
I knew JJ was at the end of his threadbare rope when he raised Pepe from the dead again.
by StarryGordon July 13, 2022
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A legendary wizard who loves chocolate muffins and hot t-shirts
Pepe is my best friend
I would date Pepe, but he is in love with Ana
by PepeElMago33 April 2, 2019
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Pepe is something my friend JAHWON would say.
by Im in school April 11, 2019
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His good looks aren’t the only thing that catch your attention once you meet Pepe, he is the most wonderful guy, biggest heart, and someone you can truly count on. If you ever happen to win over his heart, never let him go because he’s a keeper.

He is kind, quiet, funny, and a gentle soul.

If you know Pepe, keep him close because you’re a lucky one!
I’m so lucky to have a friend like Pepe.
by John Armadero November 22, 2021
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No, not the portugal football defender, the frog, Pepe. Pepe is a meme frog used in the 2000s and the 2010s, and sadly died back then. He was a very good meme and will always be remembered in the meme hall of fame.
by speedyadventure October 19, 2023
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