A belief that centers around all Politicians, Dictators, Presidents, etc. should be replaced with Dubstep artists.
Yeah, I believe in Dubstep Supremacy, why do you ask? Just not Terravita, though, their mixing is ass.
by A SvddenZaz Account December 29, 2022
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To ruin or otherwise diminish the quality of.
I was trying to make some cookies for my mother's bridge game but I mistook the salt for sugar; I dubstep remixed that batch for sure.
by GordonLightfootAlone July 14, 2011
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That feeling you have been when you've listening to dubstep for a while and you don't really know what songs are good or bad anymore, and you just go crazy.
Hey dude, last night at that party was great!

Man I got Dubstep Drunk and grinded with some chicks.
by Pokenoob December 1, 2011
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Refers to an extraordinarily intelligent, college educated, smart- ass, bum-ass, atheist, party animal loser ladies man that used to listen to gansta rap almost exclusively and has now recently discovered dubstep and likes to roll and head bang to the filthiest of dubstep. Can be seen stunting around your block and putting you in check right quick if you dare to step to this son!
I knew you were a dubstep bro when it was you and cheddar wade; you were drinking orange and cognac liquor, smoking a newport and whomping out to Ajaipai.
by Triple Cizzle, Kai, and Sly October 2, 2011
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When, upon reaching the maximum dupstep retention levels, one's head explodes due to the intensity of the dubstep that the individual is listening to at the time of D.O-ing. Dubstep Overload kills approximately six times as many people annually than sharks AND falling pianos combined.
Lane: Dude, did you hear? Skylar was crushed by a falling piano!

Nico: What are the chances, here, listen to my dubstep, it'll calm you down.

Lane: Dubstep is anything but calming but alright.

Lane's head explodes

Nico: Great, Skylars killed by a falling piano and Lane suffers from Dubstep Overload, what next?

Nico is eaten by a flying, air-breathing shark
by SMSchoirboy January 28, 2012
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(n.) The sound of vacuuming, particularly whilst one is doing something else or listening to something else of genuine musical value at the time.
- “Kylie Minogue’s greatest hits don’t sound that great anymore with this domestic dubstep in the background now, do they, Jeremy?”
- “What?”
Alas, Jeremy could not hear, for ‘twas too loud.
by TheSundayStoner January 12, 2018
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