A girl with black hair and glasses. She has a lot of acne and has hairy arms and legs. She pretty in the inside but ugly on the outside. Everyone tries to avoid her. Bailey is the ugliest person u will ever meet but has an amazing personality.
Wow Bailey is so ugly, but she’s really funny.
by therealshit-gucci September 11, 2019
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The Baileys are a family of inbreds. They all look exactly the same and have tiny heads. Being called a Bailey is the ultimate insult.
you're acting like a Bailey
by realshitdude November 12, 2012
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Bailey is the most annoying and the biggest B*tch ever if you ever come across one run as fast as you can. She is so snobby and selfish she usually wears leggings too big for her and always has a ginormous snarl in the back of her hair. Greasy hair is her number 1 look. If you be friends with her she will turn against you and publicly humiliate you.(Some baileys are the opposite of this)
P 1: who is that???
P 2: oh that's a bailey
P 1: crap baileys are terrible and she's heading this way

P 1: you don't have to tell me twice
by Pkpkpkpkpk November 1, 2017
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Bailey is a very rude person who tries to be better than everyone else. Shes very full of herself. She thinks every guy likes her and makes a huge deal out of everything. She gets with a guy and then breaks up with him the next day. She cuts her own hair and brags about it. She does things to be "cool" but just ends up making a fool of herself. Shes the kind of girl that acts nice when you first meet her, but then 2 months into a friendship, she leaves you on seen everyday and talks trash about you.
Guy 1: woah, did you see that girl over there?

Guy 2: dont talk to her shes a Bailey. She'll break your heart and never talk to you again.

Guy 1: oh, alright, thanks for the warning!
by CarlyG08 October 13, 2019
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A no life retard with no friends who does everything her friend does.
Bailey: my friend eats crap so i will and she also kills peeps and smokes pot. I will do the same
by sallywinston July 8, 2017
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A really gross person who looks like a whale.
Ew, she’s a bailey
by youalilbitch October 3, 2017
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