The penis of a failed musician that is covered in a half an inch of bees wax.
Girl 1: "did u hear anita got back together with glen?"
Girl 2: "no way she told me glen has a micro liver dick"
by GreenhouseAntiTheftLeague April 19, 2019
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When you're having reverse-cowgirl sex with someone and you try to spank them, but miss, and wind up slapping their liver instead.
"Yooo I fucked up last night I accidentally gave Mike the Fried Liver Attack! He's gonna leave me for sure, he threw up everywhere!"
by crabapplesouffle November 23, 2020
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When you're having reverse cowgirl with someone and you try to spank them but miss and end up slapping their liver instead.
"Bro I ended up Fried Liver Attacking my boyfriend last night he threw up all over the sheets!"
by crabapplesouffle November 23, 2020
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A long night of drinking cheap beer leads to a terrible hangover with long heavy fog farts with a warm finish that feels like your battered liver flaps out of your ass!
Damn dude! I drank all that cheap ass beer last night and I've got a mean case of liver ass! When I cut one it's heavy like fog and I'm pretty sure my rotten liver pokes out of my ass!
by Madness18 February 7, 2018
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When one comsumes so much alcohol that their liver actually becomes pickeled. Most commonly occurs after a weekend of heavy partying.
Johnny : I drank a lot this weekend
Shana : Do you have a pickeled liver?
Johnny : Well yeah I guess I..uh.., I pickeled my liver
by S. Murphy February 3, 2006
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O-liver, the cowardly dissenting ruin of man's ability to be swayed by poor choices leading to ruin.
by HOOQUIAM September 2, 2022
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