Audrey Lees are probably the dumbest bitches you will ever meet, most of them work at kfc to pay for their hamsters education. If you every meet an Audrey your non-voluntary actin will be to shout REALLY out loud - no one can control this and this still baffles scientists. Audrey are usually found in their natural home in norweiga, where they enjoy fresh, home cooked meals.
She's pretty wack, probably an Audrey Lee.
by QuirkieKid November 6, 2019
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A world famous porn star known for her well put together sex noises and lesbian pornographic films.
Did you see the new Audrey Fox video? Its really well made.
by Wellmademain June 29, 2011
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A oral sex position in which the women hangs her head over the couch while laying down, and the man holds her by her ears and proceeds to have oral sex with her face by pumping her head up and down.
Dude I did {The Dirty Audrey } to my sisters friend lastnight.
by jwdalejr1289 October 14, 2010
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Audrey Kitiching, a Trashy Scene Queen, Model & Hairdresser, & also really boring & pretty retarded.
She has no originality & looks like every other person on Myspace, But instead fucks boys in shit Emo and Scene bands, & dyes her hair until her scalp bleeds.

An Idol for 13 year old girls who are HxC & have already lost their Virginity, & know everything about her. They also all tend to have a Myspace account.

She is also known for getting flamed, & getting other kids who don't know about her flamed, on popular Livejournal community's.
13 year old girl #1: "Lolz! Did u here tht Audrey Kitching dyed her hair again!!!???11"
13 year old girl #2: "No Waii! I bet she lookz suuu kwl!!"

Person #1: "Uhmmm haii guiz, I'm wondering where I cud find a pic of dis girl? *shows picture of Audrey* Haz she gotz a myspace? I luv her hairz!"
Person #2: "LOLZ AUDREY!"
Person #3: "Lolz!11 Just look @ everi othr person on myspace!"
Peron #4: "LOLZ! LOLZ! U GOT PWNED."
by Some kid from April 15, 2007
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An amazing friend who is turning 15 today. she defines the word fun and crazy.
also, a girl who dyes her hair a lot. crazy lot(:

& her girl who is so entertaining and fun to be around!
we love AUDREY cecile(?) SNOW!!!

Naomi: todays audreys birthday!
yulie: I know! july 30th babyyy (:

naomi+yulie: we love audrey snow!
by Naomi&+Yulie July 7, 2009
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model/hair-dresser/make-up artist/desinger/fashinista
models for designs such as: New York Couture, Jared Gold, Skelanimals, Ed Hardy, Betsy Johnson. You may have seen her on MTV'S TRUE LIFE: Im going to New York fashion week.
Audrey Kitching has the best hair ever!!!
by blaker45 July 5, 2008
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A "mean green mother from outer space" from the 1986 movie, Little Shop of Horrors.
Excuse me, what kind of strange and interesting plant is that?
It's a Audrey ii!
by Big Gamer Trent May 14, 2016
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