When one undresses and drops their pants, underwear or shorts in such a manner, that the clothing lies on the floor to resemble the letter 8. Commonly seen when one is in a hurry or with lazy fat individuals.
"My brother doesn't need a laundry basket, he's mastered the figure of 8"
by Aatif Ansari January 24, 2009
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The 1st years in Northern Ireland most of which think they're hard and act like slags
Year 8 girl #1- did u hear that jimmy fingered rebecca in the girls toilets

Year 8 girl #2- omg yes! I cant believe that sarah is still a fridget
by Realtingpenggal October 29, 2019
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In UK, someone who is 12-13. Most of them are arrogant little pricks, and some even lose their virginity, but some are good people. Hasn’t started shaving, has awful voice cracks and is very awkward.
That year 8’s actually okay. Oh, never mind, he just bought three cans of monster. What a dick.
by pengopinguin21 July 18, 2021
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The old year 7s who calmed down and are year 8s
The old year 7s are now year 8s
by Mushroomman53 November 5, 2023
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Thinks they're the shit because they aren't year 7 anymore without realising they're still near the bottom of the secondary school social hierarchy.
Year 8: eww look at those stupid year 7s
Year 11: that was literally you 6 weeks ago
by c3ph3 January 12, 2022
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Here's a class you wish u never knew about. The year 8's are a class full of crackheads, also one of the reasons why a kidnapper would return us under 1 hour. They are the worst class you could possibly meet. The years 8's are always making a mess and always shouting and a bunch of drama like ladies and gentlemen sit down and have some tea for this shit, cause shit is about to go down with this class.
student: What is that noise??
student 2: yeah! it sounds like someone is dying!?
Teacher: no, it's just the year 8's

Being defined By Jennie&Emma <3
by Jenmilmao May 19, 2022
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one of the funniest years of high school. Nobody gives af about the work. This is the year where you will find the most wannabe roadmen.
year 8: bruv i swear these year 7s are so annoying

other year 8: fully bro we werent this annoying in year 7

year 10: bruv stfu u were the worst out of the lot
by sym2008 May 21, 2022
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