when you shit in the hole of a skateboard wheel and continually fuck it. sometimes if you are lucky a girl joins in by using the side of the truck you took the wheel off of. generally followed by anal sex.
when you use a skateboard as a sextoy - dirty skate grinder
by crazyballershitmuffins February 15, 2012
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When you use a cum sock full of ants to get off
If I don’t clean my socks I’ll dirty Dereck
by Mochrie95 June 9, 2020
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A boy with a huge ass dick that can suck himself off
That boy is probably a dirty calin
by November 22, 2021
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When you swap the sacramental wine with red-dyed anal lube and then give it to the whole congregation.
That alter boy just did a dirty Calin.
by Cayde'sonlyfans November 22, 2021
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The guy who fucks dirty Trina before she slides across the floor making the snail trail!!!
Dude I just gave your sister a dirty Boggie!!
by Dirty backtender October 5, 2020
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