every girls dream on saturdays, but every girls nightmare on sunday.
omg, that boy who worked at chick fil a was so hot
by bumsquad pioneer October 8, 2021
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A name for the fast food restaurant, Chick-Fil-A, that some older people use.
Hey Billy-Bob, do you want to go to Chick-A-Fil today?
by PoggeriorMaker November 6, 2020
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When someone is completely disconnected from whats going around him he is fil-zalafa
When someone acts in a relaxed way when in difficult situations he is fil-zalafa
Pers1: does goe knows that today meeting will discuss the bonus
Pers2: he doesn't has a clue as he is fil-zalafa
by Mourad moro March 2, 2021
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It means son of a bitch in french

Feminine Fills de salope
As opposed to just bitch which is con
Girl: My con of a boyfriend's cheating in me
Friend: You don't need him he's a fils de salope
by anonymous boii November 1, 2017
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Two Chick-fil-A employees who are in an active romantic relationship.
Mark:Did you hear about John and Cindy from front of house?

Joe: yeah I heard they were in a Chick-fil-ationship.
by Lukey Pookie October 18, 2021
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son of wealthy parents who is thoroughly spoiled, lives entirely on his parentage, and usually lives an unelevating but luxurious life; rich boy
That student brought his parents to university to complain about his grades, he is such a fils à papa!
by Katy-boom-boom July 11, 2023
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