Man that Cody is lazy.
by Hi360 February 9, 2019
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Cody is the type of guy that wears boots instead of sneakers. Some might mistakenly consider him a redneck. He drives a truck instead of a car because he realizes the usefulness of a truck. He likes being outdoors and is extremely talented with a gun and a bow. He loves hunting and goes as often as he can. However Cody is also very athletic. He will play sports such as football and hockey and avoid non-contact sports like soccer. He is the strong silent type and is sarcastic ALL the time even when it gets him into trouble. He is a loyal friend. He is also handsome in his own way but the girls closest to him choose to view him as a friend. He is a very good lover and will spoil his girl no matter what the cost.
Girl 1: that guy is so cool
Girl 2: Yeah he's a Cody
Girl 1: You should date him!
by DuckHunter58 December 28, 2016
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a complete douche and cares about nothing and only loves 1 person in the world
by ldsjfhg February 10, 2017
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A faggot that betrays his friends and is brainwashed by his twat girlfriend
by Drug86 March 17, 2017
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A person, mainly Male but not exclusively, that has a great heart and will help anyone do anything, but is fucked up in the head massively. Called a loose cannon at times, they are sweet, caring, loving, and have huge penises, or vaginas respectively. Good people, not without their flaws.
Cody is a great guy, but hes kinda fucked.
by Gyno4rel July 14, 2019
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The name of a relatively attractive male who loves dirt biking and is a little red-neck if not a lot.
Look at Cody- hes cute and good at dirt biking!
by TheObservantServant September 28, 2013
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