The tan line people get in 2020 while working in the sun with their computers on their laps.
Wow, Judy must've been working hard these days. She has such a nice lap line!
by Post Nellone April 8, 2020
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Da "ultimate" in acceptable excuses for why it took you so long to finish shopping, processing'delivering bureaucratic paperwork, or otherwise conducting routine business.
Telling your having-impatiently-waited family or car-pool buddies, "There was a long line ahead of me" may indeed get you off da hook as far as their venting their seething wrath at you, but you yourself will likely find it very stressful (not to mention tiring on your achy legs and feet!) to have to cool your heels in line for so long, and so in the end you may feel similarly weakened and emotionally exhausted as you would have if you'd had to "face the music" because you **hadn't** had any plausible excuse for producing such a lengthy delay in finishing up.
by QuacksO January 18, 2020
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A home run that is hit high and straight. Coined by former WSCR personality George Ofman.
"He hit a home run that was a towering line drive"
by GaelicSoxFan May 15, 2016
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When you don't have enough friends to make a friend circle
"Hey George, how's it going in your friend circle?"
"I have friend line"
by Leafpebble November 25, 2021
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Someone who’s hating on anyone they’re close too whether it’s a close friend or their family.
Man why you always being a hater on the front lines!
by Jflex August 19, 2023
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When you are fucking a girl in the ass on an airplane in the bathroom at 30,000 feet without a condom on. You cum in her ass, pull out, then strap a condom on and proceed to fuck her in the ass. When finished, when you pull out. Your dick is now officially a sky-line chili slaw dog.
Sky-line Chili Slaw Dog.

Sky = airplane bathroom

Sky-line Chili = the shit from her ass.

Slaw = your cum that gets on your dog from her ass.

Dog = your dick in the condom.
by dude sweats. December 29, 2009
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The small bulge in a ladies trousers where thigh meets genitals.
Mary's trousers were so tight, when she got out of the car after me I could see her muff line.
by Robbo85 September 12, 2014
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