A nasty, brown, huge-lipped pussy that looks like the lunch meat covered in hair and vaginal warts surrounded by herpes and filled with STDs.
I was so disgusted when she sent me a picture of Ashley's Roast Beef!
by ZapataPotPieRecipes69 July 31, 2015
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When a female smashes her vagina upon another females face. Also known as a V stamp. Leaving behind an unfragant experience
While sleeeping sleeping Amanda received a Roast Beef Rambler.
by Hippie of Dirt May 5, 2019
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The female version of T-bagging.
When you repeatedly crouch over the face of a defeated enemy (usually in a video game), as a sign of disrespect and/or dominance
"Haha I killed this guy and now I'm T-bagging him!"
"Nah, your character is female; you're Roast Beefing him!"
by joncor January 23, 2023
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Hiring a hooker/call girl to attend a formal event due to the inability to secure an actual date.
Of course she isn't his date. Look at those heels. That bitch is roast beef takeout.
by #roastbeeftakeout February 20, 2016
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Referring to loose labia, also known as pastrami curtains because it can be easily blown around in the wind. However the term "Roast Beef" is generally for women whose snatch is more brown then pink, and the lips stick together like a grilled cheese sandwich. As age starts to progress, their meaty flaps start to dangle and look like two slabs of roast beef stuck together with mayonnaise, thus the term "Roast Beef Snatch."
I fucked this cheerleader the other day and her roast beef snatch looked like it went through a meat grinder.
by Uncle Renegade October 5, 2017
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