weirdos who think they are different but theyre the same as every other gothic person out there.
I hate gothic people.
by dennis tral April 15, 2004
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While having sex, the couple engages in ritual cutting (usually of the wrists). Common even among emo kids.
Dan: Hey man, why the bandage on your wrists?

Mike: Well, me and Amanda had gothic sex last night.

Dan: Oh, I think I should try that with Kali next time we make love.
by Martin0 April 12, 2006
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1) A Person into the goth or gothic life style that has much luck attrating the opposite sex(Being goth or not) for what ever reason.
2)A Pimp that manages female goths for prostitutes and engages them in gothic prostitution (What ever that my be).
"You see that kid with the skulls and chains? He has fucked more girls then both of us put together."
"I dont consider myself a player, more of a gothic pimp."
by DieWeak73 September 16, 2007
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A blending of the vague clichés regarding blood, the color black, and holes of 'goth' music and the highly reptetitive chords and simple 'crash' drumming of punk into a new genre of audio entertainment, ranked slightly above rap in quality.

See shit.
> So I bought this new gothic-punk CD yesterday -
> How much did it cost?
> Got it for five cents at a garage sale.
> Man, you got ripped off.
by fearpi August 12, 2004
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People who wear all black and have long hair to were you cant see there face and probably worship the devil. Allot of gothic people disagree with this definition but the reality is definitions change over time and this is what most of america has come up with this word so fuck off satanic people!!!!!!!!!!
by Bily BOb August 6, 2007
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The process of cutting your wrists, often performed by goths or emos to perform suicide. Also known as the gothic viola.
Ever since his girl left him, Freddy's been playin' the gothic violin. He's deppressed for sure man.
by Kris Smith April 9, 2006
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American Gothic can be used to describe a person who chooses not to show empathy, and is exhausting to be in a relationship with.
The reason you are unable to have rewarding relationships is because you are American Gothic, in such a way that you would never exercise considerate or empathetic behavior.
by Gnomes Cum February 18, 2018
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