Found you moon, or you found your moon refers to the celing price someone is managing to hold their Bitcoin to, Bitcoin goes to the moon is a saying for the enormous upturn Bitcoin does for long periods of times. It can be hard to not take profits. For some it comes day where they have found there moon and sell.
I just sold my Bitcoin
I guess you found your moon! Congrats
by WTango January 4, 2021
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An Animation and Creation Software Used by roblox animators an the Gaming platform roblox, Used for creating animations for roblox experiences such as Combat animations, Cutscenes, player movement etc.
"This Sword was animated with moon animator."

"I will make a animation inside of moon animator."
by PFisho September 27, 2023
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an extra hero who saved the day, acting like the batman to recover the chompers bag yus
why thank you heroic batman moons, you got my bag back!!
by Moo to the na August 14, 2023
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Full moon in November, coinciding with brown leaves fell from the trees and grass starting to brown
Kevin: Look, there's a brown moon through the window!

Phil: What you're talking about? The moon isn't brown.

Kevin: The name "brown moon" is given to the full moon that occurs every November.

Phil: Really?

Kevin: Yeah, November is about brown turkeys, brown leaves, brown grass, and why not the moon too?
by cosmic user January 24, 2020
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never. if something happens during a green moon it doesn’t happen ever.
“When will you clean this mess of a room!?”

“Next green moon.”
by iWillMakeFunnyDefinitions April 23, 2020
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When a power top has sex with as many different asses as possible.
William was on a Harvest Moon festival last night, he was pounding ass all night long.
by Dr. I. M. High MD October 12, 2021
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