A scar, scratch, burn you get when you’re sleep after having a nightmare
I woke up with a devil burn on my arm
by hotdoghotdoghotdigiddog November 12, 2020
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When you are doing the 69 pose with someone and you wrap your legs around the head of the top person, then push their head as hard as you can down. The let out a nasty fart in their face and hold them as long as you can.
Last night i had sex with this girl, and did a Belgian wind devil on her, she did not like it.
by Rosse zot February 26, 2020
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To be with a group of girls and each takes turn giving you head and whoever girls mouth you cum in wins!
by Hendrix smith May 16, 2022
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the devil will cut you up if you beat him in poker
jesus and devil pwn
by Awesomenss July 7, 2010
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A person who genuinely holds and argues objectionable opinions, usually on the internet, until the point where the thread doesn't go the way they expected; at which point they try to deflect the justified heat by claiming to be a 'devil's advocate'. A constant source of irritation to people who spent the energy arguing with them.
"Did that guy really just equate jokes about Easter to jokes about Muslims being terrorists?"
"Yep, but once he gets flamed he's gonna say he was only trying to start a debate; typical devil's dickvocate"

"You want a vegan option? What if I demanded a steak option in a vegan restaurant?"
"Stop being a devil's dickvocate Miles"
by Bi-election April 4, 2021
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Any vegetable that people hate, especially those that makes one gag.
Mary sliced up the devil’s testicles and put them in the frying pan to caramelize.
by zzing December 8, 2021
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